Flutter Snippets Plugin for Android Studio and IntelliJ IDEA

George Herbert
2 min readMay 31, 2019
Thanks to https://t.co/mQesxpjFdT?amp=1 for the logo

Edit: 21st February 2020 - A significant overhaul of the shortcuts has taken place in version 1.0.0 to bring this plugin in line with Awesome Flutter Snippets (Microsoft Code plugin).

Since attending Flutter Live ’18 and using Flutter to build my university dissertation I have fallen in love with Flutter. However, my biggest gripe is having to type the same thing over and over again, especially when it means I have to remember it! If only there was a plugin with Flutter live templates.

I found a live template plugin for Visual Studio Code, Awesome Flutter Snippets (AFS). The only problem is Visual Studio Code and I just don't get along! I have been using JetBrains products for over 7 years and did not really want to change, given how familiar I am with the JetBrains tooling. Not to worry, I am sure there is an Android Studio/IntelliJ equivalent to AFS, there wasn’t…until now!

As a result, I built my first JetBrains plugin and in a few evenings, Flutter Snippets (FS) was born, supporting Android Studio and all editions of IntelliJ, see below for available snippets (this will update as I add more live templates). Download link:

The source code for the plugin is hosted on GitHub with the link at the bottom of the article. Contributions, of course, are welcome :)

Available Snippets

Below is a table of all the current snippets in Flutter Snippets. This can also be viewed as a Gist here.

Note: This table with update automatically as the Gist is updated.

